Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...
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Polres Kendari Berhasil Tangkap Jaringan Lapas Kelas II A Seorang Pengedar Narkotika jenis Sabu-sabu Jaringan Lapas Kelas II A Kendari berinisial MA (26) ditangkap Tim Opsnal Sat Resnarkoba Polres Kendari di Kos Inayah Jalan Manggis Kelurahan Bende Kecamatan Kadia Kota Kendari pada hari Kamis (1/7) sekitar pukul 23.00 WITA.

“Dari tangan tersangka berinisial MA (26), Tim menemukan Narkotika Jenis Sabu-sabu sebanyak 31 sachet seberat 13,76 gram,” ungkap Kabag Ops Polres Kendari AKP Bahtiar didampingi KBO Sat Resnarkoba Polres Kendari IPDA Aldiansyah dalam Konferensi pers di Mapolres Kendari, Senin (12/7).

Lanjutnya, bahwa penangkapan terhadap tersangka dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis (1/7) sekitar pukul 23.00 WITA, petugas kepolisian melakukan penggerebekan dan penggeledahan, tepatnya di Kos Inayah Jalan Manggis Kelurahan Bende Kecamatan Kadia Kota Kendari.

“Dan ditemukan barang bukti Narkotika jenis Sabu-sabu sebanyak 1 Sachet yang disimpan didalam Jok motor, 5 sachet disimpan didalam dompet, kemudian 25 sachetnya lagi disembunyikan di dalam kaleng Biskuit Khong Guan yang disimpan di atas plafon rumah,” bebernya.

Kata AKP Bahtiar, tersangka mengaku sudah tiga kali menerima paket Narkotika jenis sabu-sabu dengan cara ditempel dari seorang Narapidana Lapas Kelas II A Kendari bernama Andi Aso.

“Pertama, disekitar Kelurahan Puuwatu sebanyak 10 sachet dan langsung ia tempelkan di sekitar Kelurahan Wua-wua, Kedua, disekitar Kelurahan Bende (Depan Bank Mega) sebanyak 13 sachet Narkotika jenis Sabu-sabu dan langsung ia tempelkan di sekitar kelurahan Wua-wua, dan ketiga, disekitar Kelurahan Benu-benua sebanyak 10 sachet, kemudian dipaketkan menjadi 35 sachet, 4 sachetnya telah dia tempelkan di sekitar Kelurahan Wua-wua sesuai arahan dari Andi Aso, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 31 sachet belum sempat diedarkan, karena keburu ditangkap oleh Tim Opsnal Sat Resnarkoba Polres Kendari,” jelasnya.

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Creating an Online Menu Using only Fresh Ingredients to Satiate the Summer Heat

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

Digital Medium for Art? How and Why you should Support your Favorite Artists

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

How Bookeh Became a Staple in Photography Globally Starting with the 2010s

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

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