Monday, December 23, 2024

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Creating an Online Menu...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

Digital Medium for Art?...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

How Bookeh Became a...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

Video Games as a...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...
HomeNasionalUpah Minimum Indonesia...

Upah Minimum Indonesia Akan Naik, Sayangnya Tak Diiringi Dengan Produktivitas – Wah para karyawan pasti sangat senang jika upahnya dinaikkan nih..

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) Hariyadi B Sukamdani menyatakan, upah minimum pekerja Indonesia akan menjadi yang tertinggi di kawasan Asean. Kenaikan upah pekerja di Tanah Air akan menembus 48,64 persen pada 2025.

Sayangnya, kata dia, kenaikan itu tidak diiringi peningkatan produktivitas. “Permasalahan kita itu nilai upah minimum pekerja yang tidak sebanding dengan output produktivitas,” ujar Hariyadi dalam webinar pada Senin (8/2).

Permasalahan tersebut, lanjutnya, bisa diatasi dengan Undang-Undang (UU) Cipta Kerja. “Realisasi ini tergantung dari efektivitas UU Cipta Kerja,” jelas dia.

Dirinya menyebutkan, kenaikan upah rata-rata 2020 di Indonesia menunjukkan tren positif sebesar 9,73 persen. Sementara di berbagai negara Asean seperti Vietnam dan Malaysia, masing-masing hanya naik 7,10 persen dan 5,56 persen.

Ia melanjutkan, tantangan Indonesia saat ini salah satunya lapangan pekerjaan yang sempit. Padahal berbagai program vokasi telah dilakukan.

“Kita sudah berkali-kali melakukan vokasi. Ini saya enggak dapat data riilnya, tapi sepintas yang saya crosscheck dari teman-teman dunia usaha tidak sampai 20 persen yang terserap,” tutur Hariyadi.

Pada 2017, sambungnya, Apindo sempat melakukan pelatihan dengan 57 ribu peserta calon tenaga kerja yang didukung 2.600 perusahaan. Hanya saja, dari pelatihan tersebut cuma sekitar 5.000 pekerja yang terserap.

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Creating an Online Menu Using only Fresh Ingredients to Satiate the Summer Heat

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

Digital Medium for Art? How and Why you should Support your Favorite Artists

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

How Bookeh Became a Staple in Photography Globally Starting with the 2010s

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

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