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Monday, January 13, 2025

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The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

Digital Medium for Art?...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

How Bookeh Became a...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...

Video Games as a...

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past...
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Pemuda Ini Aniaya Pacar Diringkus Polrestabes Surabaya

Halodunia.net Kelakuan sang pacar aempat viral dimedia sosial, seorang perempuan dianiaya oleh kekasihnya sendiri setelah pacaran dua tahun.

Kejadian ini berawal saat tersangka RES (18) mendatangi rumah korban JA yang kebetulan dia adalah pacar atau rekan wanitanya, disitu sempat terjadi cekcok akibat permasalahan pribadi hingga akhirnya korban dianiaya oleh tersangka.

“Di situ ternyata sempat terjadi cekcok atau permasalahan pribadi, hingga akhirnya korban ini di masukkan ke kamar, dibenturkan kepalanya ke tembok kurang lebih 5 kali kemudian dipukul dan di sundut menggunakan bara api rokok di daerah kaki, paha dan lengannya,” jelas Wakasatreskrim Polrestabes Surabaya, Kompol Ambuka Yudha Hardi Putra S.H..S.I.K..MSi,Senin (18/01/2021).

Kemudian akibat kejadian tersebut, korban melaporkan ke Polrestabes Surabaya pada tanggal 07 Januari 2021 yang lalu. Berdasarkan laporan itu petugas dari Unit Resmob langsung melakukan penyelidikan terhadap yang bersangkutan.

Dari keterangan Kompol Ambuka,mengatakan tersangka berhasil diamankan pada hari Sabtu (16/01/2021) kemarin di daerah Wonogiri. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan terkait penyebab perbuatannya itu.

“Setelah diperiksa, tersangka mengaku emosi karena kesalahpahaman dan ada kecemburuan dalam hubungan mereka sehingga tersangka melampiaskan amarahnya,” lanjut Kompol Ambuka.

Akibat perbuatannya tersangka dikenakan pasal 351 ayat (1) KUHP tentang penganiayaan dengan ancaman hukuman 2,8 tahun penjara.”Pungkasnya

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Creating an Online Menu Using only Fresh Ingredients to Satiate the Summer Heat

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

Digital Medium for Art? How and Why you should Support your Favorite Artists

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

How Bookeh Became a Staple in Photography Globally Starting with the 2010s

The increase in overall pollution that the planet has seen during the past few years has impacted the planet in such a way that it caused a ripple effect to happen in various domains. This is exactly why right...

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